The First Responders: The Untold Story of the New York City Police Department & September 11th, 2001 info
On the morning of September 11th 2001, two hijacked jetliners crashed into the Twin Towers. Within minutes of the attack, 36 Emergency Service Unit cops of the NYPD responded to the scene. They divided into six Teams. The first five Teams entered the Towers, and the sixth Team headed for the helicopters to attempt a daring air rescue. 14 of them would not survive. For the first time, here are the details of what the Emergency Service Unit teams did and saw as they climbed the burning Towers. Burden down with heavy equipment they searched for terrorist "sleepers," and survivors. Then the first Tower collapsed. Fearing that a second collapse was imminent, the firefighters and the police were ordered to evacuate. Now, the countdown began. In the harrowing final minutes, the police teams encountered everything from the absurd---including, the arrest of a mysterious man in the North Tower---to terrifying close calls. As the second Tower fell, tensions flared, bonds are formed, friends are l